Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Donut Man and Helpful Video

Here's the word on the Donut Man rehearsals: This Thursday, June 2, and next Monday, June 6, rehearsals will be taking place until 7pm. So please don't get there early. Plan on arriving after 7 and we'll start at 7:15. Since it involves children, the moving of tables, and cleaning up of snacks, they probably won't be out promptly at 7pm.

Mark and I came across one of Bishop Barron's "Word on Fire" videos: Dante and the Spiritual Journey.

It starts out exactly like the link I had sent before, but goes much further and gets into Purgatory and Paradise. It's a good synopsis and gives those of us who are completely new to the subject an idea of where we're headed and why. I especially liked the point he made about Dante (the character) seeing the various sins in hell, but learns that identifying and admitting your particular fault/sin isn't enough: you have to make reparation for it. And that's why we continue on to Purgatory and from there to Heaven.
