St. Barnabas, Pt 2

January 15, 2016: Have added links for more information on most of the subjects listed below. Sorry it's not more beautiful-looking: Blogger can be a real pain in trying to get fonts to match and spacing to be correct. (What looks correct while designing ends up being all wrong when it goes live.) But at least the information is there.

You may email us at if there's anything you think is missing or you'd like to learn more about.

Mark and Celine McCoy

The Crusades

A good book: Steve Weidenkopf's The Real Story of the Crusades.

The Crusader States

The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis and St. Dominic

An unusual source for a brief description of the mendicant orders: the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click on the links to see works of art related to the subject.

St. Louis, King of France

We asked Father Anthony, MFVA, why St. Louis (patron of the Franciscan Third Order) was shown with a crown of thorns. He replied by sending us an excerpt from the Franciscan Book of Saints that says,  “He fostered special devotion to the sufferings of Christ; and it was a great consolation for him when he gained possession of the Crown of Thorns, for the preservation of which he had the magnificent Holy Chapel built in Paris.” (The Holy Chapel is better known at Sainte-Chapelle.)

We can email you the 2-page history of St. Louis that Father sent us if you like.


The Avignon Papacy

An article on the Avignon Papacy by historian Matthew Bunson; Was Avignon the "Babylon of the West"?

The seven Avignon Popes and the two anti-popes.

The Black Death

Back to the Avignon Papacy

Saints Peter and Paul above and St. Catherine of Siena below all encouraging Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome. 

Steve Weidenkopf has written this article, How St. Catherine Brought the Pope back to Rome.

Great Western Schism

Not easy to read, but New Advent had everything you ever wanted to know about the Western Schism here.

Council of Constance and Jan Hus

short biography of Jan Hus at New Advent. And a long explanation of the Council of Constance.

Fall of Constantinople

Protestant Revolution (aka "Reformation")

A great book by a great Catholic historian, Hillaire Belloc, is available on Kindle for a mere 99 cents: Characters of the Reformation.

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Henry VIII and Thomas More

Best book and movie on the two: A Man for All Seasons.


Our Lady of Guadalupe

A new documentary on Our Lady of Guadalupe was recently aired on ABC and EWTN. Produced by the Knights of Columbus and narrated by Jim Cavieziel, you can purchase it on Amazon: Guadalupe: The Miracle and Message

Council of Trent

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Council of Trent from New Council of Trent.

English Persecution

Two of our favorite books on this period are The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest and then the fictional Come Rack, Come Rope! (And here is an article by Professor Joseph Pearce on Robert Hugh Benson's novel.)

The Battle of Lepanto

We mentioned the novel The Last Crusader by Louis de Wohl about Don Juan of Austria and the Battle of Lepanto.  Christopher Check, president of Catholic Answers, has written this article on The Battle that Saved the Christian West.

St. Teresa of Avila (reformer)

short biography of Teresa of Avila from New Advent. Her complete autobiography is available here as a PDF. (The actual autobiography starts around page 35.)

Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits (missionaries)

A history of the Jesuits from New Advent can be found hereThere are many books on Jesuit martyrs from Edmund Campion to the North American Martyrs.

These vignettes show St. Francis baptizing in India; St. Ignatius writing the Order's constitutions in Rome, and St. Peter Faber giving retreats in Europe.


Since "The Galileo Affair" is often used against the Catholic Church, you may want to read (at least) these two articles from Catholic Answers: The Anti-Catholic's Trump Card and The Galileo Controversy. 

The French Revolution

Below is a painting of the Martyrs of Compiègne. An article by historian Matthew Bunson: They sang all the way to the guillotine.  A book has been written on these Carmelites, To Quell the Terror.  This episode came near the end of the French Revolution, Here is a public domain version of Hilaire Belloc's history of the French Revolution.

Napoleon Bonaparte

There's just too much information on Napoleon: we don't know where to start giving you information. But here's a description from Louvre of this painting below (this is a close-up). The Pope was meant to crown the emperor as had always been done, but Napoleon took the crown from the Pope and crowned himself and Josephine.

Here is an in-depth history of Napoleon's relations with the Pope and his repeated incursions into Papal territory.

Blessed Pope Pius IX proclaims the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

From a weekly Wednesday audience by Pope St. John Paul II, his catechesis on the Immaculate Conception.


Our Lady of Lourdes appears to St. Bernadette

10 Things to Know about Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette from Word on Fire ministries. But the best and quickest way to learn the story is to watch the classic movie, Song of Bernadette which is actually available on YouTube. Here are Part One and Part Two.

Our Lady of Fatima, 1917

Here is a detailed history from EWTN. There is also a movie you can purchase from Amazon, The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima. We like the book, Our Lady of Fatima, by William Walsh. You can buy it used on Amazon for just a few bucks.

World War II and Pius XII

An excellent article from "The Catholic Thing," Pius XII's Secret War Against Hitler.
