Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Items Mark mentioned at the end of our first session

You can read the complete text of the Didache here.

This is Father McClosky's book list of books every Catholic should read.

The Sister Servants of the Eternal Word's Casa Maria Bookstore has the book Mark mentioned, The Bones of St. Peter

Sr. Madeline Marie says that the bookstore "has about 90% of our inventory online. There is an option there for "in-store pick up. If somebody wanted to order that way, we can have the items ready for them." Call (205) 956-6760 to arrange a pick-up time or to ask when you can visit the bookstore which is usually only open on retreat weekends.

NOTE: Next week we will start at 6:30 sharp with a half-hour segment from Great Moments in Church History entitled "From Christ to Constantine."