Saturday, April 25, 2015

Don't worry about missing classes

Several people have apologetically told us that they can't attend many classes and hope it's all right with us. Others aren't coming at all because they feel they can't commit to 20 weeks. Since we started leading Bible studies 6 years ago, we've been saying that even if you only come to one class, you'll still learn something you didn't know before. Believe us when we say that we don't mind at all if you only show up once in a while.

But the new program Ascension Press is offering where you can view the study content online--with the purchase of a study guide from them--lets you view the entire thing from home if you like. The link to order a book for this class is here. (Yes, it says it's at St. Theresa's in Leeds--we had to be associated with a parish.)

If you haven't been able to come to the first 2 classes, don't worry about it--many others haven't been able to either. We don't mind. Really.