Monday, June 1, 2015

Mondays from now on

Note that we will be meeting tonight at 6:30 and on Mondays through the end of the study--except for June 30.

Please also note the new tab for the Schedule. Try it out now!

Hey, today is St. Justin Martyr's feast day--we learned about him in one of our first sessions. Read this for an eyewitness testimony of his martyrdom.

And while I've got you, tonight Steve Weidenkopf will continue to talk about the Monophysite heresy and then introduce the Monothelite heresy. If you'd like to hear correct pronunciations, click the audio link that will come up on the following words:

  • Monophysite. Monophysitism doesn't have it's own audio file, but you can hear "Monophysitic" below to give you the idea.
  • MonotheliteThe audio for Monothelitism is below, although I think most scholars would not make the 4th syllable "layh" but simply "li".